EL Reading Program
Get ready for success!
It's all about support!
Support Reading Skills
Your EL Partner
As an EL teacher, you are responsible for a lot. You are a content and language teacher, a fierce advocate, a cheerleader, a shoulder to cry on, and a life coach. You are passionate about your students and their futures.
QuindewEL is your reading partner. We are here to help you get your students meeting grade level reading standards.
QuindewEL delivers authentic reading experiences, predictable reading routines, guided and supported reading, explicit instruction, and adaptive support for your beginning and advanced English learners. QuindewEL is dedicated to helping your EL students develop critical skills so they can reach and exceed grade level reading standards across content areas.
Writing Assessments
We simplify writing assessments, making them more accessible, and deliver powerful data to inform instruction!
Real-Time Data
With our AI language model, we deliver timely feedback on students' writing skills. This immediate feedback is more effective in helping students grow as writers.
Track Progress
We ensure educators can track individual student progress over time so that teachers can facilitate targeted interventions and personalized instruction.
Feedback & Goals
Our personalized feedback engages students in higher-level thinking as they evaluate their strengths and work toward achieving specific writing goals.
Targeted Instruction
With our Insight Data, teachers can easily analyze results, identify gaps, review student goals and clearly understand where to go with writing instruction.
Equity and Fairness
Our process mitigates potential bias and subjectivity, allowing for more equitable evaluations and reducing disparities among students.
Teachers as Coaches
When teachers have access to authentic writing data, they can spend more time coaching and developing powerful writing lessons and less time evaluating!
Lift all students up!
Fun Online Reading Program
Learn more about the five components our reading program.
- Forever-FREE account for teachers and students
- Reading data for classroom teachers
- Program reading data for schools and districts
- Curriculum Pack to enhance instruction and target reading gaps
- Professional learning for effective implementation
Students GROW
with QuindewEL!
Start My Forever-Free PlanGetting started is as easy as 3, 2, 1...Quindew!